​​​Law Offices of Marco Ambron
Immigration Law and much more

2 men are shaking hands

Cityscape at night

2 men are shaking hands
The Attorney
Marco Ambron is an experienced and respected immigration attorney, former professor of Constitutional and Immigration Law, advocate for immigrants' rights and an immigrant himself, with a deep commitment to social justice and human rights.
Mr. Ambron is an active member of the State Bar of California, and a member of the Pro Bono Immigration Law panel of the San Francisco Bar Association.
Mr. Ambron has been practicing law for over 15 years between Italy and the U.S.; he is a licensed attorney both in the European Union and in the State of California. ​
Marco Ambron provides representation in all immigration matters. His clients are individuals, companies, small businesses and non profit organ​izations. Whether your case is about a family-based green card, or a H1B Visa or a deportation defense, Mr. Ambron is committed to offer you high quality legal advice and representation.
​Mr. Ambron will assist you from the beginning to the end of your case with diligence, competency, tireless work, and effectively communicating with you at every single step that needs to be taken.
Forget about lawyers who don't take your calls, don't respond to your emails and don't really care about your case. Mr. Ambron will always be available to talk to you, clarify your doubts, listen to your concerns. He will be there for you.
News & Publications

On June 18, 2020 the Supreme Court of the United States issued a decision on DACA, which allows certain unauthorized aliens who arrived in the United States as children to apply for a two-year forbearance of removal. Those granted such relief become eligible for work authorization and various federal benefits. The Supreme Court ruled that the end to the program was unlawful. However, the Trump administration still intends to end the program soon.
Contact Us
415 308 9586
Law Offices of Marco Ambron
345 Grove Street. Suite 200
San Francisco, CA 94102
Areas of Practice
Immigration Law​
Landlord/Tenant Law​
Health Law​​​​​
Welfare Law​​​​​